مساحة إعلانية

الأربعاء، 30 نوفمبر 2016

Building steps of your online business

Building your business is very critical stage you should focus on its details, in this topic you learn and know different ways which will help you in success launching and building your business.
Here are the different steps you should follow to begin your business:
1- Choosing or determining your business field or idea:
 Here in this topic begin your online business or job  , you will find the correct way to find your most success and suitable business idea.
You must determine and choose the most suitable  business idea or field before initiating building a business.
2- Building steps of your online business:
After finding your business idea, you should find a way to share your idea or deliver your products to your clients or customers.
If you find that you have a skill of making nice and beautiful home accessories you can simply build a website or a facebook page to market your products via them and this way called an online marketing or online shop  and this way will be more cheaper than renting a shop in your city. Online marketing will attract a lot of customers from all over the world than any other traditional shop.  You can sell accessories, books, articles, services educational or any other types. Just imagine and achieve your imagination or dreams.
SO, let’s start building your online business now:
1- Choose a suitable domain name, domain name is your online shop address which by your customers can visit your site like www.facebook.com  this is a domain name and you can register one from sites provide this service like GoDaddy.Com . Just find your suitable  domain and register. You can also register your domain from the hosting company itself as shown in the next point.
2- Determine your suitable required hosting plan for your business, The Hosting service is required to host your business it is like a online Place for your business on internet by which you can upload your website or install it online to be hosted and it then it is linked by your chosen domain name which you should registered in the previous step.
There are several hosting companies you can choose from them which hosting planyou’re your domain also suitable for your business volume like:
3- After Registering your Domain and Choosing Your Hosting Plan, Now you choose your website design.
You can design your website totally by yourself or by help of a website designer but this will be difficult if you are a beginner.
The simplest way to design your website is to install ready script to manage your website content like wordpress  and this a professional and quick way to launch your website. Or you can design your website easily on weebly website builder and this also quick way to launch your website. You will find these scripts in your hosting plan control panel for free. As shown in point 2.
3- Sharing your online business website and get visitors:
 After choosing your domain and the suitable hosting plan and installing your ready script or even designing your website by yourself, you should to share your website and get visitors to your online business.
And this may be help of social website like facebook , google+, twitter.Also depending on Google, yahoo, bing search engines. This may be summarized under 3 letters SEO. And we will provide illustrating lessons for this critical point in sharing your website and getting the targeted visitors.

Now, browse the next topic to learn How to get money from your online business.

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