Did you know before that every website has its own IP
address like ( facebook IP address )?
Try to Type this IP on your
browser address bar, and Press Entre button you will directed to facebook.com
Imagine that we should type this IP address every
time we want to search at Google, I think it will be difficult to us to keep in
mind each website IP address we used to browse from time to time.
Domain Names has been created to facilitate this
case, domain name is the website address name which we type in the address bar
directly like www.facebook.com , which is consists of site name which is related to site content
like Google , Microsoft, and ends with .com , .net , .edu , .org ,
.info .etc and this differ according to
the type of the website educational , commercial .etc
Domain Registration and DNS Hosting
Each website has its own domain name, not repeated like ID
No. , So there is a very big digital database which keeps all of these domain
names and that database is comprised from a massive network of servers.
This database is managed, regulated, maintained and priced
by internet authorities like ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers) and IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority).
Domain Registration is to register or book your
required domain to be added to that big digital database of domain names.
DNS ( Domain Name System ) Hosting is to the service
of providing a software to point or direct your domain name (which you typed in
the address bar of your browser) to the specific name server of the web hosting
server containing the websites content (which is provided by the web hosting
company ) to detect the website IP.
Domain Registration and DNS Hosting process is consists
of 3 main components (Domain Registry , Domain Registrar , DNS Hosting)
Domain Registry
Domain registries are the responsible operators for domain listing and are managed by internet
authorities like IANA.
Registry Operator is responsible for managing one of the
TLDs ( Top level domains ) like .COM , VERISIGN ,Inc is the responsible for
.COM domains Managing . You can find in this link the
registries list.
Domain Registrar
Domain Registrar is the responsible for domain registration
connecting the domain name to the IP address of the website hosting server like
godaddy.com and domain.com and you should provide the registrar with two server
names of your hosting server you can get from your hosting company or you can
create it.
DNS Hosting
It is the service of providing software to enable the user’s
browser to be connected to the website IP using its registered domain name.
Your hosting company provides this service like HostGator.com as a hosting
service company and IPage.com, also most
of the domain registries provide this tool as an added service.
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